Wednesday, May 22, 2002

there is revolution abrewing. i kind of almost smell it. it's occured to me recently that this decade will most likely be one of huge upheaval and change. not just because we're in our twenties, hurtling towards our thirties. but because the world is expanding exponentially. or rather. the world is collapsing inward. it's getting smaller and we are becoming increasingly interconnected. i feel like we are the first generational wave to be composed of highly educated and highly motivated people. but we're often lacking in the inspiration department. it's different. inspiration and motivation. you can easily define your motivations: financial stability, personal stability, romantic stability, etc. but inspiration is from somewhere deeper and higher. inspiration also comes and goes with the seasons. leaving us feeling alternately full of life and full of shit. we have been trained to hold onto our motivations though. so that we can achieve goals and move forward with our lives. even when we are devoid of inspiration.

the point is that i feel like great social and cultural upheaval will occur this decade. even if it is only a small movement. and it only affects the people of our generation. i want to be a part of this upheaval. or at least be in a position to witness it. even if that means i have to be the cameraman while other people do things. i want to be somewhere on the sidelines. and not sitting in the stands. or maybe i just really want to feel a part of something greater. but maybe everyone feels this way.

ironically. as fast as the world is expanding, it seems like the majority of us twenty somethings are fighting to carve out our own little niches. to create a comfortable space where we......feel comfortable. and while that is very important for personal sanity, i'm really afraid that in pursuit of this bubble, i'll lose sight of weightless inspirations. and only be left standing somewhere. holding a useless bag of bulky motivations.