Friday, May 17, 2002

knee updates. because you care. or at least you pretend to. and that's close enough. i'm starting to get itchy. really itchy. i can't take off the ace bandages until tuesday. that's another three and a half days. what the hell am i gonna do? i can't scratch! and i just noticed that my entire left leg is yellow. at first i thought i was losing feeling in my foot or something but then i figured out that they put iodine on my leg. so that's why it's all ghastly and ghouly.

one important tip for future surgery goers. bring water. lots of it. i've never been so damn thirsty in my life. they gave me a paper cup of apple juice when i woke up. and then a cup of water. and then another. and then i asked for just one more. and as we started to drive away, i noticed again how thirsty i was. my tongue was sticking to my mouth. i was trying to talk but my mouth was just the sahara at high noon. i'm not sure if this is an after effect of not having an IV hooked up but,whatever the reason, bring water. lots of it. i used to run cross country in middle school and i can't recall being this thirsty. from a mouthful of juice and saliva to bone dry in no time flat.