fifteen swords for $199.95. with stretch pay that's only two easy payments of $99.98. how tempting. what the hell would one do with fifteen swords though? i'm always inclined to look at all these knife/sword deals on
qvc. i channel surf and then i get sucked in when the guy talks about things like the twenty inch
"dragon slayer." wow. dragon slayer! but then you stop and think about it. twenty inches. what kind of pansy ass dragon are you expecting to slay with twenty inches of non-magical, perfectly ordinary, stainless steel? do you really want to be facing a with a weapon that doesn't extend past your spitting range? don't think so. i might have to use the thirty four inch saber sword (which comes with a free stand if you call
right now!) but it isn't designed to specifically slay dragons. so it looks like the balding, paunchy guy with the country drawl won't be getting my business today. nice try buddy. i saw through your hoax. dragon slayer indeed. sheesh. do i look stupid? what kind of real warrior buys his swords in bulk anyway?
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