Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 240

Listening to: Basia Bulat, "Before I Knew." How silly of me to think that nothing could beat whistling and an ukelele. The obvious topper is hand claps and ukelele. Maybe we'll call it a tie.

I'm starting to suspect that April will come to a close having passed right by. While it was certainly filled with plenty of activities and things, I feel like it was uneventful. I know, it wasn't. Lots of things happened in April that will live on in the memory banks. People came to town for B.O.B., Bay Area visits, and birthdays. Warm afternoons and nights in the park were nice -- and something new.

So I guess what I mean about April being uneventful is that there wasn't much going on on my side of things. Nothing's really changed the past month. Friendships remain steady, life is steady, habits, routine, all of that. Inside I feel the exact same as I did in March. Which isn't that strange I guess. But maybe I'd gotten used to things shifting around every few weeks. The shifting makes you feel alive more I think.

I started the month off in San Diego and I'll end it back in San Diego. I'm heading down this weekend because my tooth fell out. Yeah, like my tooth. It's just a crown and it doesn't hurt or anything but I've been living in fear the past few days that I'll lose it when I swish water and a thousand dollars will literally go down the drain. I got me some dental cement so hopefully that won't happen.

The few remaining days of April will be spent finishing a few sample chapters and a new synopsis due next week. I've somehow worked my way into an idea (or two) that I'm excited about so even if the writing itself isn't that great, I definitely have the motivation and vision to finish what I need to finish. And then it's on with the job hunt. I've set May as my start date for job hunting. People are telling me the average time span for finding a job is six weeks. Maybe more. I'm not sure I have that kind of time. My goal is to find a job by June, or somewhere in there.

Have I mentioned that I'm thinking of giving up my apartment? Short story short, I'm never there. I spend half my week at someone else's apartment and dropping $1200 a month for storage seems stupid. Plus money will run out soon. It seems a bit like defeat because I really haven't been living by myself at all even if technically I am, but finances and logic dictate a cheaper option. Unless I get a job soon, of course. Then the experiment can continue unabated. I swear I'll spend a whole week sleeping in my own bed, I swear it.

Ameer turned thirty this past weekend. There was a surprise, a BBQ, a few days off. Hong came up, which was nice since he never goes anywhere (well, with us). He hasn't really been up here since 2004 or something stupid like that. We were up here for Nancy's wedding a few years ago but that was a really rushed weekend and we weren't really in the city. The last time Hong was actually here, it was for Victor's birthday. That was five whole years ago. Look at some of the pictures. We look the same but things have changed for everyone. I could do a list of the changes but that would be kind of a lot.

Oh whatever, what else do I have to do but reminisce? In the group picture, there's three marriages, one engagement, three sets of future exes, one kid on the way, two relationships soon to happen, one least likely candidate to move to Taiwan, two people who moved overseas and back again, three future co-workers (one CEO), five mortgage payers, and about six sets of roommates past and present. Oh and one dog, I believe someone got a dog. Something named Pika, Pita, Pira, whatever.

Another five years down the line, the changes will probably all be confined to the following: married, mortgage, and/or meandering. Can't wait.