Tuesday, June 6, 2006

this is not a democracy, it's a celeb-ocracy. it's on. you know that celebrity fantasy league i spoke of a few weeks ago? well guess what? it's up and running. i had hoped for just a handful of enthusiastic celebrity stalkers, instead i got more applicants than we had owner positions. in the end, we (and yes i'm using that royally) decided to launch for a four week season with ten teams. if this works out well, we'll be expanding to accomodate fellow celeb fanatics.

so far this game is rivaling fantasy football for sheer excitment and already surpasses it in sheer ridiculousness. entire dinner conversations have been bogarted and steered toward debating the relative merits of a britney spears versus lindsay lohan. everyone thinks they have the next up and coming celebrity. the depth and breadth of celebrity knowledge thrown out during one of our celebrity pow-wows is enough to never again question what americans do with their spare time. it's official, we stalk people -- celebrities in magazines and regular people on myspace.

needless to say, i finished our first official week in first place. you can follow along with our season here: celebulous. what you know about jennifer aniston and gwen stefani appearing on the cover? obviously you didn't know like i knew.

i'm so gonna take over the world. after seeing how this game entrenches itself in the minds of men and women everywhere, i need a volunteer to code a website for me so that we can patent this and make billions. you think i'm kidding? totally not. aspiring to-be rich people with web site making capabilties, contact me. jen and gwen? your thank you note is in the mail. we'll do lunch next week, have your people talk to my people.