Wednesday, June 7, 2006

get out and stay out! whichever guy it was that invented the couch bed must have been extremely satisfied with himself. imagine him telling his (increasingly disgruntled) wife that he was going to invent a sofa that folds out into a bed -- and her rolling her eyes and telling him that he should invent a man who takes out the trash first. then the guy finally invents the couch bed and sells the rights for millions. of course, he's also unwittingly created a primary residence for the billions of men who have suffered from domestic disputes with their live-in partners.

or maybe the story goes the other way around. who knows which came first: the sofa bed or the arguments? perhaps the budding inventor spent so many lonely nights out on the family room couch that he decided he might as well make his couch a bed. many arguments and a moment of revelation later, voila, a fold out sofa bed. most of mankind's best inventions were probably borne out of necessity like this.