how the hell are you?! i've decided i'm against people who use this phrase. why? it's just a greeting right? it's nothing out of the ordinary. but i'm really against what this greeting implies. "how are you?" is already bad enough (although it can be used to great effect) but adding the "hell" just makes it....i can't find the word i'm looking for here. but to me, the "hell" lends a false sense of urgency and too much excitement to a generic "how are you" greeting. the people i'd imagine actively using this particular phrase are people who really don't care how you're doing but mask it by using a really forced movie-esque greeting. or maybe they really do want to know that badly how you're doing, in which case i'd question their sanity.
it just strikes me as overly dramatic, the emphasis on the "are" and the addition of the "hell." and really, that's all i have to say about that.
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