can i get a band aid for that? apparently i have muscles. sure they're not visible to the naked eye but i have them. how do i know? because i'm super sore right now, and you have to have muscles to be sore right? fat does not get sore, or so i'm led to believe. some people enjoy being sore for exactly this reason, because after a fulfilling workout, they can feel their effort regurgitated as aching. i'm not that kind of masochist. all i'm thinking when i'm sore is, "my athletic career is over."
the rule used to be whenever you pick random people to play sports, the older person is likely to be better. when you're eighteen, the fourteen year old won't be as good as you. when you're twenty two, you're still possibly at your athletic peak. but now, i've reached the age when i'm the older guy, and people younger than me are likely to be more athletic, more in shape and generally just better. we play ball at ucsd sometimes, and young kids are running crop circles around me. and then they ask me "so, what year are you? a sophmore?" i can't bring myself to say, "i'm twenty six."
this may not be a big deal to you, this whole body decline thing, but this is huge for me. i can't imagine the day when i will no longer be able to take two trips down the court/field without dying. and that day will come sooner than later. there are many things that i think i used to be able to do, but now i can't do them. like the mind is willing but the body is unable. do you know how sad this is? how crappy it feels? i thought i would magically bounce back after rehab a few years ago, but i skipped on the rehab and the magic skipped over me. skip-bo.
i've jumped the shark. if you stop and think about it, as a normal average person, this period of your life is the beginning of the slow decline towards walking sticks and wheelchairs. and doctors visits, lots of doctors visits. and various "oh, my leg just does that, the pain will pass" statements. i mean, seriously? we get ten years (maybe) of properly functioning body parts and then it all starts to fall apart? does anyone else see the injustice here?
ouch. it hurts to sneeze. and i'm not being dramatic. ok, maybe a little.
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