trust a try. you ever notice that once your opinion of someone is made, for better or worse, it seeps into all aspects of them? so even if a guy is a brilliant money market investor, you might be prone to ignoring his advice simply because he's terrible at risk. and the same thing the other way around. a person could have the worst real life business sense but if he's good at monopoly, i'm in. it's all about perception. once you're seen as incapable and dishonest, you're usually gonna be stuck with that label. i mean, sure a guy could be a stand up salesman but if you know that he likes to cut corners and be lazy, would you trust him? probably not.
this is probably why it's best not to work with friends. you simply know too much about them. you know that they're never on time, that they're never responsible, you know that having a woman tends to turn their focus away from your money to their loins. that kind of thing. it's probably better to assume that your accountant is great at what they do, as opposed to knowing how many times they crack themselves out weekly.
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