people are going to want something more when it seems harder to obtain. referencing the post of a few days ago, a friend pointed out something. if the intent is to warn both sides, or one side, of the potential mishaps that could result from a romantic connection, it's sometimes best to say nothing. why? because nothing brings two people together more than adversity. the best way to arouse curiosity is to say "stay away." the easiest way to get two people on one side is to try to keep them apart. parents probably know this. romeo and juliet's parents probably realized this too late.
and also, people are going to do whatever they want to do anyway, so why fight attraction? short of one person being an axe murderer, why not just let things be? que sera sera. all you do by telling two people to watch out for each other is to pique their interest. "hum, why is jon telling me to stay away? there must be an interesting reason. i must find out." so maybe it's best to not say anything at all when two friends are interested in each other. the only productive thing to do is just bet the over/under and create a pool for how long the "relationship" will last, and then hope that your horse comes in.
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