Monday, July 21, 2003

"getting in shape" rules by georgette and jennifer. this is a contract effective november 15, 1999, and applies only to both georgette yang and jennifer xxx. the expiration of this contract is indefinite.

1. no eating meals after 7:00pm. the only allowed foods after this time are fruits and vegetables.

2. limits on alchohol: one per exceptions. (well holidays and birthday are the only exceptions...must be verifiable).

3. minimum work out time: one hour per day.

4. minimum days to work out: four days a week.

5. drink at least 64 oz (four bottles) of water per day

6. no empty calories, such as quivers, coffee, candy (gum is okay).

7. maximum junk food (fried foods/fast food): one meal per week.

8. maximum dessert intake: one dessert allowed per week.

9. dining out: we must split a main entree and dessert.

10. keep track of progress (log days, times, and details of work out).

we, georgette yang and jennifer xxx, agree to the above terms and will not violate rule of this contract.