Friday, July 18, 2003

because i am his pimp and he has decided to never blog again, pictures of camping from jmz are available here. they are fine pictures. if overly big files. but the wait is well worth it. they went to colorado, utah, arizona and who knows where else. i was supposed to be the fourth contestant but there was some doubt as to my camping worthiness. could i make fire with my bare hands? could i "rough" it and sleep with complete disregard for my sanitary safety? could i handle the rough and tumble open skies? would the call of the wild make me scream like a child? could i paddle and bicycle down treacherous windy rivers/roads? these are all questions that were asked. but since i never went on the trip i could not prove my camping/road trip worthiness. but for the record, i am quite the camper. don't let this prissy obsessive compulsive exterior fool you. deep inside i have a bearded paul bunyan inside me. at least a little huck finn. we used to go camping all the time. i've cross country skied ridiculous amounts, i've canoed in the middle of a mild storm (mild meaning rain), i've slept on a beach with pigs, i've gotten lice from well, lice. i've hiked double digit miles. it may not sound like much, but it's more than you might guess, looking at me sitting on a couch, napping away. don't let the cover fool you, my pages are brown and dirty.