Thursday, July 3, 2003

and i was watching wimbledon (who knew it was wimbleDon and not wimbleTon?) the other day. watching serena and capriati go at it. i enjoy watching them play because both of them are just straight powerful. they are not your delicate flower type of athletes, they are built solidly and play with unmatched power and grace. and while i've heard some male friends go "damn, she's sick! ugh!" i rather admire all that muscle attached to a female frame. don't get all crazy now, sick is sick when it's espn2 women's bodybuilding but watching someone use their body for an athletic purpose impresses me. i had a grander point to go on here. something to do with women's bodies and the dynamic between having an extremely athletic body versus the "feminine figure" as exhibited in media, but i've completely lost it. maybe it'll come back. doubtful though.