for the life of me i cannot remember what made us think that we were wise and we'd never compromise... a little breath of life was in effect last night. it's been awhile since i've been engaged in a conversation. like really engaged. to the point where things are clicking and i'm seeing things laid out for me clearly and i'm taking my philosophies out for a spin and explaining, adding onto it. i needed that type of moment and it was there and available. i really think work has killed my joie de vive, at least the late night one. not being able to stay up late and talk to people has made me a dull and boring jack. then again, the AIM conversations i've had at work have been priceless. what bored work people did pre-AIM is beyond me. oh by the way i'm done with work so i'm just bumming for the next two weeks. so fun is not only forthcoming, it's rapidly approaching. two nearly identical words used together to extend a sentence for no purpose annoying isn't it? the thesaurus should of died when the meteor hit.
so last night we had an encounter with somebody. not a bum, not a panhandler, not a liar, not an entertainer, not a man down on his luck. not anything i could put a label on. mainly because i couldn't be sure what he "was," if one is ever able to label anyone in such a way and be accurate. he was singing some songs, doing a little bob marley, doing a little doo wop. we were feeling it, and it was a nice scene. then things got a tad strange. he got into a story about his situation and what he needed and so on. and that's cool. i mean, be who you are, what you got to do to survive. my philosophy on life is not supposed to include giving money to people. but that's a randian point i'm not sure i can come to grips with quite yet (my feelings on this particular topic is like five or six blogs). anyway, the situation and the conversation was long and interesting. we left him with sixteen, seventeen dollars, after forty five minutes of interaction and headed home. for the record, none of that dinero was mine, for reasons that would take alot to get into right now. aniwaise.
we go home, get into how we each perceived the situation, what we were all thinking. what moral, social, psychological issues were at hand. a bit of religion talk was delved into. but not really about religion. more about a few guys, sitting up to the break of dawn, trying to divine a little bit of what this here life is all about. using one incidence as a jumping off point and as a common experience to relate to. it's weird, it's cool, when three people coming from different places, perceptions, philosophies, can reach a sort of unimind, if only for a night, to facilitate exchange and education. it's been awhile.
there is too much to write about here. i wish i could go into every epiphany or moment of "oh, okay" that i had yesterday. but that would take pages. so it's better reserved for a conversation, or another form of expression. already, the memories, the details are fading. i hate that. i am going to implant my eyes with mini-cameras, like olhado from
speaker for the dead. his eyes were and capable of recording video and audio. he could sit there and go over his recordings whenever he wanted, never letting memories be twisted by nostalgia or time. then again, he could never escape from "what really happened." would that type of objectivity make us better or worse? when the story can be rewound and fast forwarded, and copied for all to see?
on a related but unrelated note. it's so interesting to see people's reactions to things. people's reactions and impressions of events, situations or other people. it's not only telling of what you might be missing, but also of what the people you already know are like as people. it's eye opening sometimes. more on this whole bit later.
...and (n)ow we're guilt stricken sobbing with our heads on the floor.