Friday, June 20, 2003

how old is too old for a sleep over? i've never really known the joy that comes with an earned long weekend. i mean, if i wanted a long weekend i just rolled over, hit the alarm and bam, long weekend. but damn, when you take a friday off the whole atmosphere of the weekend changes. i can't really say i'm holding down a normal normal job but i am at work monday through friday if nothing else. so having friday free makes friday seem like a saturday. and saturday seem like a sunday. and surprise, sunday feel like a free day. by the way, totally unrelated to weekends but i got the cleanest damn car wash the other day from happy car wash, courtesy of mr kim. my white car is white again and all those dirt marks and sticky bug eulogies are gone. if you need a car wash, go to gene.

(i'm writing this sunday even though it's dated friday so if it seems like i'm prescient, i am.)

i can't even recall what happened this weekend. let's get rid of the usual, chill, relaxed, food. there was some poker, complete with official green felt table and a handy hookah. i went all in on hand three and lost my initial ten dollars to four jacks attached to one wank. four jacks son! even god isn't that lucky and he's GOD. we set up james's tent at hotel pan just to test it out for his upcoming camping trip. it's nice. camping gear has come a long way since last i saw it. neat little latches and hooks, color coded assembly, it's not even camping anymore. but maybe it woulda been more difficult setting it up outdoors, as opposed to in the controlled environs of a living room. still, we were roughing it. i'm hardcore.

this weekend was definitely about everyone being home in sun deprived sd (someone explain to me what sixties, cloudy, june and san diego are doing together in a related sentence). george is down, grace is down, victor and tien came down. jeff came down. maristella was down for a second. no ameer but i think that's probably good for his sanity. there was a lot of san diego-y things going on. we were at our house for alot of the weekend and it occurs to me that this might be the last big gathering of such a kind at my house. some people slept over on saturday and it felt like old times. going downtown, it felt like we were rolling deep in san diego. twelve people. that's pretty much everyone i know in san diego. funny how "rolling deep" varies so much. twelve might be considered small elsewhere but twelve san diego people is is huge. additionally i feel bad for any girls who hang out with us (all one of them), because all we do is sit around, eat, play poker, play videogames, make fun of each other, do nothing. but i think they're used to it by now. we do this every week. [pictures]