Friday, September 7, 2001

Last night, we went out to the Blind Pig, for a party that Komposit was throwing. We wanted to get there really early to avoid any lines so the plan was to leave around ten thirty. Surprisingly, the plan pretty much worked out and we left close to eleven and got into the club with no hassles. I have to say that i wish New York clubs could just be like tonight's experience. Five dollars cover, good music and people dancing everywhere. Right after we got in, the line got really long and they stopped letting people in (which sucked because some of our friends didn't get through) but besides that the whole night was pretty good. It was crazy crazy hot inside though. Everybody was glittering from the sweat and after a few hours, i just couldn't stand it inside anymore so i had to make periodic trips outside to chill out.

After Blind Pig, a ton of us went to Pizza House and sat at this huge long table for twenty. All the girls on the right, all the guys on the left. Don't know how that worked out but it was amusing. Met these two kids, Dan and John, who transferred in this year from New York and they came to eat with us so that was cool. Suj's roommate, Chad, was also out with us the whole night and he was really cool. He had a very long and princely name but i forgot what it was...something like "Christopher Thomas Andrew Edwardian" or something like that. Everybody wished me happy birthday and even sang real quick when i exited the bathroom so thanks to all those people. Birthdays come and go and really, i wish they could just shoot by...i don't really like it being "my birthday." But it's nice all the same.

After a few games of Mafia at Jill and Palak's, we all crashed and went to bed. Oh, we also played two rounds of Taboo. I was horrible for some strange reason and kept on saying all the taboo words. Normally i'm really good, i swear. Suj is the man though. He makes the weirdest out-of-left field guesses and gets them right. From now on it's Sujeet "Croquet" Rao.