Thursday, September 6, 2001

funKtion performed today on the Diag at Festifall. They got a lot of love and i was impressed with the way they pulled together a routine so quickly (they did it in about a week). Dancing has gone to another level here...the other day for the Filipino basketball tournament, Anna said they performed after only four practices and funKtion pretty much put on a performance with the same amount of practice. Personally, while it's good to have fresh and new stuff all the time, i felt like they weren't as clean as they should of been. They were hilarious though, PZ was ripping it and everyone was having fun. With the whole dancing thing, i always felt like pieces shouldn't be done unless they were as tight as they possibly could be...but then again, i always messed up anyhow so who am i to speak. Either way, dancing is getting a lot of love on campus so that is cool.

Spent most of the afternoon at Festifall, hanging out at the funKtion and Dance 2XS tables. Dance 2XS had like nine pages of sign ups and people were waiting around the booth to sign up so that was pretty hot. funKtion got it's fair share of people too and a lot of them stopped to check out the pictures and to ask questions and stuff. Stopped by the Huaren table too to meet some of the new Core but i didn't really get a feel for what's going on there. I hear they might be not doing the fashion show which is a tad disappointing to me but hey, life goes on. I used to hate doing stuff like Festifall and talking to random people but i've pretty much learned to just care less and have fun with it and i actually find it fun to just spew out random pointless drivel to the people walking by. I've got this "turn on, turn off" outgoing stuff down i think.