I need to stop and mention the highlight of my Mafia career which occured last night after visiting Gus's place. We had been trying to put together a Mafia game forever and it finally happened at South Quad. There was a huge number of people there, consisting mostly of dance people and old and new Resident Advisors. We didn't really know too many of the RAs but we had heard that they played a lot of Mafia. Overall the night was incredibly fun because i hadn't played Mafia with so many new people in a long time. A lot of them were hilarious and loud and watching Sam do his stuff was funny as hell.
The best though was the second to last game. From the get-go, Sam and Babbs were at each other's throats and people were yelling and screaming and nothing made any sense at all. Near the end, we Mafia were sitting pretty and i was sure we were going to win the game. We were playing with four Mafia and one Kaiser Soze (like a Psycho Killer who can't be detected by cops) for the twenty of us. During the second to last kill round, PZ was killed and i thought that me and Darryl were the only Mafia left. As it turned out, Palak was Kaiser and she had killed PZ too so i was thrown off into thinking that Kaiser was dead. Anyway, the point is that at the end it was just me and Palak left and we both won, even though she was Kaiser and i was just a regular old Mafioso. The great thing was that we didn't even really know we were both evil until the end and that we were both using each other. Yes, it's just a game but Mafia is the greatest entertainment in the world and the best way to see the sunrise on a consistent basis.
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