Friday, November 14, 2003

the truth is out there. so is lying underrated or is honesty overrated? sure honesty is always the best policy but as we know, the policy sometimes isn't best. this is tough to admit in a public forum but it's true, i lie. wow. the burden of atlas off my shoulders. i'm a liar. i lie. sometimes i even lie on purpose (as if there were any other way). it's tough, i know, to look at my sincereyes and believe that i'm a liar. but trust me, i lie.

so in going through the past few week, i've been trying to document how many lies i've told. everyone says "don't lie because it's bad." but after carefully reviewing my thirty nine instances of lying, i've concluded that oftentimes, lying is okay. many of the lies i've told over the past two weeks are of the innocent kind. like when a stranger asks you a question you don't really want to bother with. example here might be "can i have a cigarette?" sorry man, no cigarette. a few of these lies are not so much lies but more not telling the whole truth. "do you know where so-and-so is?" um, nope. but maybe i know where i think they are but don't bother to say it. a few lies are used to hide personal feelings that don't necessarily need to be exposed to the world. "so, did you like so-and-so? what did you think?" oh i think they were wonderful, fantabolous, can't wait to see them again. these are what i call quiet lies. nobody needs to know.

and of course there were a few lies which fall into the all important category of: lying to yourself. there's not too many of these over the past two weeks. one and a half maybe. but these are the most crippling. lie to strangers, lie to acquaintances, lie to friends, lie to whoever you want to. my research has concluded that it is a-ok. but lying to yourself, while okay, can be ultimately painful. but then again, if you lie, it's best to believe wholeheartedly in your lie. after all, the best liars don't even know they're lying.

and never ever admit, "yes i lied". until caught red handed or faced with hard evidence. even then, feign ignorance, fuzzy memory or insanity. it works for criminals, it can work for you.