leitmotif. often times in life we find certain themes reoccurring in our lives again and again. some are interesting, some aren't. "why do i always date the losers?" seems to be a popular lament. or the "i'm never gonna get married!" statement. these are words i hear every week or so, from friends who are twenty-something and not necessarily single. when this phrase comes from girls i don't believe them. because you see, woman was created from man's rib so she has this innate desire to be joined with another once again. so due to this auspicious beginning, women want to be married, even if they deny it. i don't really believe what i just said. or maybe i do. i'm still undecided.
but nevermind about this. i'm getting off track. the point is there are sometimes things that we have in our lives. symbols, signs, themes, motifs. things that are a part of us but not clearly visible. the solution i say? inscribe these things in permanent ink on your body. brilliant my boy, simply brilliant. and to that end, i have attached permanently the god of trickery, mischief, storytelling, harvest and fertility on my right leg. see the beauty of deciding to have a tattoo is the permanence of it all. it'll be with you forever. which is more than i can say for you, spawn of my rib.
oh, somebody else got a tattoo also. guess who?
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