that guy. we all know what "that guy" is. we've met him, interacted with him, described him, shunned him. here's the thing, you never want to be "that guy." never. that guy is a whole combination of things. there are different types, as many as there are barbies, and they are all unique and collectible in their own way. that drunk guy. that whooped guy. that guy who ends up liking all his female friends. that stubborn as a mule guy. that romantic as a rose guy. that really cocky guy. that asshole guy. that guy. but you see, somehow we all end up being that guy. it's unavoidable. life is too cliche and life's situations too generic to not allow for "that guy" status at some point.
what to do when you are that guy? you're screwed. you've become stereotyped and typecast. you are no longer yourself, welcome to the world of i am jack's thyroid gland or whatever. start reading "how to for dummies" and "dear abby" because generic advice will work fine as a solution to your problem. you are now officially we are the world.
i try most often not to be that guy. because nobody wants to be that guy. it's boring, it's claustrophobic, it's mundane. all things that i hate. but sometimes you are that guy. and then. you are screwed until you can somehow transcend "that guy" status. you can do this by going so out there that you're above that guy identifiers. in poker it's similar to going "over the top." when someone checks you, you come right back and raise them "over the top." this way they have to pause for a moment to re-think what they thought you had. this can foster confusion and mental instability in an opponent. it's a strong move and a courageous move, going "over the top".
there is also an element of danger of here though. since you could also be getting suckered into going "over the top" and be playing right into your opponent's hands. maybe they wanted you to go over the top, in which case you've just been fucked and become that i've just bent over and took it up the backside guy. so essentially you go from being "that guy" to another (worse) type of "that guy." like from malibu barbie to slut ho barbie. and then you are eternally doomed with no way out, last of the mohican where are the women style.
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