Thursday, October 12, 2000

There is this guy. He is almost always at the 53rd/ 5th Avenue stop when I get off or on the EF train. He is homeless presumebly. He spews out little nuggets of wisdom in a deep booming orator's voice. He sounds like a poor man's James Earl Jones. His wise sayings consist of anti-women, anti-money and basically just a lot of anti-anything messages. A sampling: "To destroy a man, all a woman has to do is marry him." "If you marry a white woman, she will ROB you of your money." "As the man touches the young boy he says, I will NEVER touch woman again." The thing about all this is that he's terribly amusing. He engages in witty repartee with anyone daring enough to talk towards him. He likes to say at the appropriate time, "JUMP!"