Thursday, October 19, 2000

I realized something at work today while I sat stuffing 310 envelopes and affixing addresses to them. Someone has to do the grunt work. When you are old an in an environment where you can delegate authority, the lowest person on the food chain does it. The grunt. But in college, when you are a part of an organization, it's the officers who do everything. Flier at 2 in the morning. Wake up early. Hand out fliers. Stuff a thousand hong-baos. In college, there's nobody you can "make" do it. For Huaren, CORE had to do everything, that's what it meant to lead. I think to be a leader you have to show your willingness to do anything. But when you get older you can have interns or hire people to do your shit. The other difference here is that you grudging to it at work while in an organization you want to do and have to do it. This is my perspective from the bottom of the totem pole.