Sunday, April 22, 2007


I'm taking a sabbatical from blogging for awhile. A long one. Like, you know, two days. My hyperwest domain name costs me $15/month for 100 megs of space. Wait, what? Yeah. I got it in like, 2001 okay? And now they're finally enforcing it so my site goes down. I have like 101.5 megs of info on there. That's like.... well, I'll let you do the math. I'm stupid, I'm overpaying, I know already. Sheesh. Somebody help me out....

So, I'm working on the switchover, the takeover, so until then, I need to figure out how to get my server to another one. Until then, here's some "come follow along" pictures from the last few days. I'm gonna set myself up as a super mobile blogger. No, not mo-blog, but a blogger on the mo(ve)bile.

I think: I blog therefore I think.