Thursday, May 4, 2006

bruce banner. this is something i've been wondering. you know how there are tons of "fun loving, hunky, frat guys" who have "hearts of gold?" these are the guys who are out boozing it up, molesting unsuspecting girls, and trying to start fights. but away from that scene they are "super nice," "genuinely kind," and a "real sweetheart." of course, pretty much everyone thinks they're an asshole except for their close friends. now, which side do we take on this one?

i mean, does the heart of gold win out over the drunken lout or does the loud mouthed idiot erase any positive traits that might be hidden inside? i'm of the opinion that we form our judgements of people based on their least desirable attributes. i mean, why look at a person as half full when you can just as easily look at them half empty?

of course, maybe i'm just unsympathetic to the cause of the frat boy who turns incredible hulk-like around alchohol and is really sensitive otherwise. then again, maybe it's sexism because i'm quite sympathetic to the nice girl who has the bitch persona. i mean, i understand why that happens and can write off the bitch aspect to a defensive or offensive tactic but with this oxymoronic male i can't. maybe i just don't know enough of them to truly understand the appeal or the motivation behind the sensitive rager.

i read the other day that if a man's ring finger is longer than their index finger, it indicates a high level of testosterone. use that information however you wish.