Sunday, April 2, 2006

keep it simple stupid. i know many of you already know about this website, but it bears mentioning again. the million dollar website is now completely sold out and the young entrepreneur who created the webpage is not only rich, but also a mini-celebrity. not bad for an idea spawned in twenty minutes eh? i know my friends and i have often sat around wondering how to get rich quick and to think that one person did it by coming up with an idea as stupidly simple as selling pixels on a website is mind-numbing. in the history of get rich schemes, this has got to be one of the best. low overhead, low risk, instant millionaire. this story really asks the question if one successful idea gives you the title of "entrepreneur" and if one great idea makes you a "genius." in this case, i'd say the answer to both questions is "yes."

my brilliant idea of web squatting gmail addresses was quickly busted when god@gmail and other gems were already gone. can you believe somebody already had mikewazowski@gmail? yeah, i couldn't either.