hotmail access is down on my computer. i feel lost. i feel vulnerable. i feel hopeless and helpless. i feel lonely. the thing is though, what am i really missing? i don't really email much of anyone anymore. i can get my word of the day from the dictionary website. i can get fantasy updates by visiting their respective sites. so the question is, what emails am i really missing out on? does this mean that what i'm really missing is the junk mail and porn spam that i get daily? for the sake of my integrity and mental well being, let's assume not.
what i feel is unconnected. what if somebody needed to email me and has done so and is now awaiting a timely response? how would i know? how would they know that i'm incapable of answering them because of technical snaufus? i feel the need to be reached at all times. not really because it matters much in most instances (nobody needs to reach me that badly i'm sure) but because maybe i have some issues with being unreachable. this might be an indicator of bigger more deeper issues. and let's not even talk about what my world would look like if the internet -or heaven forbid, my cell phone- went down.
if this continues i may have to come over to your house to check email. hotmail is working there right?
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