Wednesday, September 25, 2002

a coven of witches. last week, gaga talked about confidence in guys, and how that was attractive. is the same trait attractive in girls? of course, confidence in general is attractive, but i think we're talking about confidence bordering on cocky. are there girls that are cocky? and is that attractive? i've heard that maybe guys like girls who aren't super confident and cocky, because that makes them seem too "manly." i've also heard that some girls feel like they drive off guys because they come off as too strong and possibly, too confident. is that true? guys, do we shy away from confident girls? on the flip side, are girls ever trying to be fake confident? it's easy to smell fake confidence on a guy, but on a girl, maybe it's also an attractive quality--that lack of confidence. the quiet, demure, shy girl might, in our culture, be more accepted than the brash, confident one. is that a double standard or just how it goes? is a confident girl necessarily a bitch? are girls offended by the possibility that their confidence detracts? given a choice, do guys want less confident or over confident? personally, having a girl lacking in confidence is anathema.

additionally, is all confidence surrounded by hidden insecurities? is anyone confident all the time? in every situation? is that even desirable? can you give off that confident-cocky air even when you aren't really in your environment and not necessarily comfortable? i feel like it's possible to be confident all the time, even when placed in foreign environments. where that crosses into asshole cockiness is a fine line though.