it’s been a hundred years or so (correct me if i’m wrong here) since henry ford cranked out the first model-t. since then, cars have gotten bigger, better, cleaner and much much faster. but, they still run on gas. i’ve been wondering if this is right. one of those conspiracies that everyone talks about is how car companies and oil magnates suppress knowledge of alternate fuels so that they can stay rich. i think there was a movie about this. i think it was with will smith but i know i’m wrong.
i find it a little hard to fathom the idea that there hasn’t been successful work on alternate fuels in the last century. or alternate forms of transportation even. sure, we’re getting some electric cars and some hybrids and stuff like that but only because we, as a public, are finally responding to the ecological cost of fossil fuels. the men in power have to start doling out some alternatives.
also, would it be fair to say that cars can be made to last much longer? obviously, if a car never breaks down, companies don’t make any money on repairs and parts, so it makes economic sense to create products that aren’t quite indestructible. and with the continual evolution of engines and technologies, i have to think that there have been huge advances that are being slowly doled out so that companies can keep their grip on the money pouring out of our pockets. every year we get an extra ten horsepower. whoopee. maybe i’m wrong (maybe one of you engineer people can explain this) but i would expect certain technological jumps every now and then. there must be a car conspiracy out there. nothing else makes sense.
oh, i just went to jiffy lube and got my oil changed for thirty dollars. and the driver’s side door closes with an empty metallic thump. and there’s a weird smell of paint/gas in my car.
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