Saturday, March 9, 2002

i'm in new york now. it feels different. almost exciting. but not. you know that initial surge of excitement you get when you go somewhere? i had that for about five seconds coming out of the train station onto 33rd street. then i dragged my bag down a block in the wrong direction and i started to think "i need a car." i suppose new york is nice enough when it's warm but then i start thinking about all the subways and all the people i get really fed up again. vivian and greg were at leslie's apartment when i walked in so it was nice to see them right off the bat.

it's somehow sad yet reassuring when after the initial five minutes of, "hi, how are you? what are you doing?" is over, the feeling of never having left a place returns. i think everyone is so used to people jetting in and out of their lives that to see people is exciting but also not a REALLY BIG deal. i remember leaving for college, or leaving the first couple of times from michigan back to san diego, that feeling of "i'm not gonna see these people again for weeks or even months!" now, it's just a quick "when you coming back? cool." i guess that's what makes things the most comfortable. no fanfare, just realignment with the natural order of hanging out.