We are approaching the pinnacle of blogger evolution. When you can start playing "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" with blogs then you know that incredible things are happening in the world. When blogging circles start independently of one other and then end up linking together you get.....a bigger blog circle. And when that all links back to gomakross.org (the mothership of the blogging universe as far as i'm concerned), which was the very first blog site my virgin eyes saw, well...it's like flying back to the dawn of time and watching man evolve from a little feral monkey. I feel like Darwin. Blogging circles united. I am bursting with fruit flavor.
Thanks to -oO7- for investigative contributions and to -pogiboy- and -superlum- for reaffirming my faith in the healing powers of blog. I feel that the next logical target for blogger world domination would have to be -porta- and -lynnwc-. Resistance is futile -lynnwc-. Given enough pressure even an egg will crack. Blogging is as inevitable as world peace and Boba King. Ok...i am way too excited.
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