Tuesday, October 9, 2001

I am so sick of New York. The people bug me. It hit me yesterday, walking through a K-Mart looking for Leslie, that "shopping in a K-Mart shouldn't be like this!" People were down every aisle..the place was packed and people ran around bumping into each other. The people working there are either entirely unhelpful or very rude. And if they're not one or the other, they just tell you an answer...any answer, preferably the wrong one. The same thing happens all over the city. The service in McDonald's is atrocious. It's like you ask someone for "little crunchy things on the fruit parfait PLEASE" and they stare at you in shock that you would ask such a thing. New York people are wack.

I'm not used to slumming it up with the dregs of society (and i mean dregs in the nicest way possible). In San Diego you get to drive around in your own car and you are not forced to interact with anyone you don't want to. Here...people are everywhere and they all have attitude and many of them are just straight up nasty (in all senses of the word). Maybe i'm too soft for New York but the toil of running errands or walking from block to block pushed by the masses of people behind you is not my idea of fun. There is culture, there is a great night life, but being in the city is just depressing to me. I wonder if i just pretend to be tired sometimes so i don't have to bother dealing with the city.