the supposed purpose of rolling up to LA this weekend was to go watch this show that ryan said would be dope. west hollywood. kind of shady. kinda crowded. very hot. very people smelly. the graphic and video stuff was kind of cool. it was a little different than what i expected but it was neat nonetheless. quickly got distracted from looking at the pieces by a girl who looked like a cross of someone and natalie portman. at least from the side. she had great lips. and an "aura." very clean. there really needs to be signs over people's heads if they're taken. there needs to be wedding rings for in-relationship people. like, wear a big fat something on your right ring finger to make it clear you're not to be bothered. not that i could of mustered the courage to say anything anyway. but yeah. sometimes the thought of seeing someone cute is better than actually staring at it. so that you can always say "remember that girl from the art thing that one night?" and on and on. and even if she wasn't that cute, in the imagination, she can stay cute forever. gorgeous isn't it?
handy dandy tip if you go to roscoe's chicken and waffles. if two people both want one quarter chicken, buy the half a chicken and split it. you'll save a good eight bucks. and nobody can eat two whole waffles anyway. bonus points if one person likes dark meat and one person likes white. now you know.
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