are all males jerks? just by nature? can even the nicest, most well intentioned guy be a jerk sometimes? or alot? it's practically unavoidable. it's really only a matter of time before the jerk comes out. even the word "jerk" connotates "male." there are very few female jerks. those are just biotches. but yes, all guys, are built from birth to be jerks. the most sensitive effeminate guy will still show his true colors and do things that are ridiculously insensitive and unneccessary. and when they do this, they will be rewarded with a giant mug of frosty beer and loud belches from the cheap seats.
here's the thing though: guys are supposed to be jerks! real men don't have feelings! they don't understand the full consequences of their every action! if they did, we would of died out long ago, maimed by some traveling sabre toothed lion or something. it's evolution! it's survival instinct! there is action first. and then that is sometimes followed by thought. i stress the sometimes.
if a guy is too sensitive he isn't really part of the male species anymore. booted from mars, ostracized from organized misogyny, it's a sad sad fate for the non-jerky boy. how to curb this jerk instinct in an age when women want a strong yet sensitive male? is it impossible? is it akin to searching for the holy grail? is it like looking for a rational and independent woman? are males who care and males who hurt really just the same thing? should guys be held accountable for falling prey to their biological programming? answers must be found.......
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