playin' mr big, i'm gonna get you sucka. more sex. more city. helen's apartment.
round two. and here's what i've realized. i love mr big! he's hilarious! i found myself agreeing so many times with what he said and how he conducted things. here was this independent, slightly emotionally detached uber-man, knowing how to keep his space. knowing when to toss carrie's junk out of his apartment (life). he knew what he wanted, knew when his boundaries were crossed, and stuck to his guns. of course since we see all his actions from carrie's side, he seems like a big jerk but quite honestly, he's a funny ass jerk. and a funny ass jerk is hardly a jerk at all. some of his little comments to pre-empt or shoot down her tirades kill me. literally. oh, if only i could be mr big. rich, successful, able to separate what he needs from what he wants. we've found a new role model for the relationship millenium. there's so much of mr big that resonates true, at least from the way i look at things. all the drama carrie tries to put in their relationship, he sidesteps away from, like a professional bullfighter. and he does it again and again until the bull gets so tired of charging that they sit down and chew cud. okay, that's not the best analogy and i don't really want the bull to stop charging, but you get the big is oh so right and oh so hilarious.
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