Most of yesterday was spent with Greg, Caroline, Louis and Je-Yi who drove all the way out to bum with me. We mostly did nothing but it was a good nothing. The weather was freakishly cold so even though we were supposed to go to the city we never did. We had dinner at Arthur's steakhouse and then just bummed for awhile before we left. I did muster up the courage to go into the city to meet up with Amit, Randall, Gerard, Leslie and Karina for lounging at Turtle Bay. Turtle Bay is a bar down the street from Amit's house and i like it alot because it reminds me of Friends and how they have that coffee shop and those couches that they are always just hanging out on. If i was in New York any longer i would make a push to make Turtle Bay "our place."
Leslie and Karina came over afterwards for a slumber party and we stayed up until nine in the morning talking about lots of stuff, mostly religion and stuff like that. It was very stimulating and more people should of come over to join us for the last Avalon sleep over EVER....but we'll live.
New favorite term:
"cuddle rape" Being cuddled unexpectedly and against your will. Sometimes if one is already in deep slumber, the cuddle raper will cuddle and leave before the victim even notices.
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