This is something that is frightening to realize. We all come out of college looking for a fulfilling job that we can throw ourselves into. Graphic designers want to create amazing things...architects want to design beautiful buildings...psychologists want to help people...engineers want to create marvels of modern people want to make money...philosophers want to sit around and think. But outside of business people sometimes, we really can't get what we want. Everyone feels like they are "special" coming out of college and they want to make a difference and find that perfect job. When you look at the numbers game and you look at the realities of our current day situation, just about everyone will be hemmed into a job that only requires mindless monotony.
And this isn't only because we are inexperienced and young. I forsee this happening forever. Lucky are the few who get to pursue their dreams and to find a job that engages them. Look at our parents...i don't see them doing things that they necessarily have a passion for. When they came up in the world their dreams were perhaps different but it's incredibly depressing to me to realize how mundane the world is and how many people are forced into mundane lives to preserve our financial independence.
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