Oddly this weekend hasn't been as cold as predicted. But that doesn't mean that i can't still lounge around and pull down the shades and lie down until i'm so tired i must fall asleep. We watched a commentary track on the Fight Club DVD and found out that Helena Bonham Carter has a wonderful speaking voice. Watching the actors interact in a behind-the-scenes commentary track is really interesting because you kind of get a glimpse of them as real people....just cooler. Anyhow, we did venture out into the night for awhile as i took Jennifer to Cafe Lalo's to get some cheesecake and to meet up with Leslie and her sister. We saw Lynn there with her cousins right as we were leaving which was kinda weird because you don't really run into people in New York, it felt like we were just suddenly meeting there. Then again, i feel like we only go to like five places in the city so running into each other shouldn't be that uncommon.
Afterwards came back and had some wine and cigarettes and talked for a long time, about all manner of useless and important things. I saw a video of the way i speak and i realized that i talk like an idiot. I pause every five syllables. My cadences are all wrong. I use "like" every other word. I say "you know what i'm saying?" nearly as often. I'm like (i even write it all the time!) a schizo MTV commercial when i talk. I can't coherently put together a sentence without using "like." I feel like (damn!) everyone should watch themselves speak on camera, you catch so many things. I'm resolving to change and learn to talk like (again!) an intelligent human being. It's a sad day when you look clearly at yourself and a glorified valley girl stares back.
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