I am declaring a bounty on the head of lynnchen. The person or person(s) who manages to capture and ensnare this ferocious beast into the blogging world will be showered upon with great praise and the title of "Subduer of the Asthmatic Enemy," which is her real name as given by Wu-Names. Along with that awe-inspiring title the Subduer will be presented with a big mug of their choice from our cabinet...unless it is in the dish washer in which case you can't have it because it's dirty. The gauntlet has been thrown. Loose the hounds.
Watch out for her cat sidekick. He bites. And whines.
.:: kinsfolk, although encouraged to participate in the hunt, will receive no credit for a successful capture because they are equipped with too many unethical powers of persuasion. Yes Hongshin...i am talking about you. Subsequently, anyone who gets the afore mentioned self proclaimed "Boba King" to blog receives a hearty round of applause and a firm handshake from the person of their choice ::.
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