Wednesday, October 24, 2001

I was talking to someone last night about things that we think we could do, as far as career wise, regardless of skill or education. We're both suffering mid-life crisises (i argued for quarter-life but she's right in pointing out that being in the twenties really is mid-life because who cares what happens when you're past your fifties?). Anyway, i thought that perhaps i would be fulfilled being involved in social activism, or perhaps in politics. But the sad thing i stumbled upon was that regardless of how much i care about certain issues, i don't really care enough to do something about them. I would want to get into activisim or politics for the act of doing it, the act of making change. Obviously i would want to do something i believe in but i am not moved by any of the various plights of man enough to fight for one. Inequality? Injustice? Racism? Sexism? Whatever-isms? I care about all these things but getting passionate about these issues isn't within me. It's almost like i'm interested in all these things from an academic standpoint but i am not moved enough to take action. I'm not sure if that is because of my conflicting Randian and altruistic philosophies or what. Either way, it was kind of disheartening.