Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 142

Watching/Listening to: Busta Rhymes, Don't Touch Me (Throw Da Water On'Em). Goddam this song is catchy. In my other, more coordinated, life I'm dancing to this song all day long. Kind of like these guys (that linked video is the best one by far). These videos are so last year but still super fun. Miley and Mandy won the final live battle despite having an inferior dance crew but that's the power of the teenage vote.

I just booked a ticket to Raleigh for next week. What's in North Carolina you ask? Nothing really. I mean, nothing that I know of. But sometimes when you get the call, you have to go. Okay, one of my best friends is in Raleigh and she's going through some sort of pre-wedding panic attack -- the wedding is nine months off -- so she dug deep and practically begged me to go. "Practically" being the key word there. There was no begging, none whatsoever.

At first I was totally resistant but then I slept on it and I woke up thinking, "Man, I totally should go, it'll be an enduring sign of our friendship!" Plus I didn't have any real reason to decline. I have the time, I have the money, I've been wanting to get out of SD, and I've never visited her. Ever. I mean, if I'm going to try to be a better friend to people this year (it's a resolution), then going to visit them is step one right?

It's rare that I take the time and money to go visit one individual friend. I've done it maybe once or twice. Usually money is tight so I'd rather spend the plane fare on a trip that allows me to see lots of people. I mean, it's pricey to pay $300-400 to see one person but if you see ten friends then it's only $30-40 a head right? This is how my social math works. It's a bit fucked up. I mean, if you're best friends with someone, you should be willing to fly to go see them and only them. But the dirty, and totally obvious, secret of my social life is that there's power in numbers. I'm a sucker for gatherings.

So I'll be off next week to play the invisible bridesmaid. I'll be picking out wedding invitations, hopefully going over some color schemes, and generally just doing wedding prep. I hope to take a look at the Duke campus since that was one of my top school choices at the time. I'd like to give them a piece of my mind about that rejection letter. UNC Chapel Hill was one of my safety schools too for some reason or other. Michael Jordan? It was easy to get in?

I've suffered from some serious on-and-off friendship karma in this relationship so this will be really good. Chalk one up in the good friend column. I'll also be swinging through DC to check in on our new president -- and a few friends, I couldn't resist. I couldn't fully commit to North Carolina without knowing that there would be an option of seeing more people. I mean, an old dog can learn new tricks but not that fast right?


D said...

hit up waffle house late night, it's where i got a lot of bizarre characters for my novels. also it's delicious, not everyone will agree though....