Friday, July 28, 2006

family business. it started out as a simple meeting of friends of friends, and somehow in the past twelve months, we became a psuedo-family. it would be an affront to put the "psuedo" there actually. we decided long ago to become "the family." for The (three) Girls, they worked together in boston, teaching and educating and doing lord knows what else. stirring up trouble to be sure.

then they collectively moved out to san diego last august and plopped right into me and james' world. the two of us were convinced that they hated us the first few times we hung out. in our limp attempts to show them the good times of san diego, we encountered wack clubs, lots of standing around, and numerous ridiculous moments.

ultimately, it was those ridiculous moments that somehow pulled it all together. since none of them had thanksgiving plans last year, we all ate at our apartment. turkey, buns from the oven, fruit tart. when kanye west's "family business" shuffled onto the speakers, it was the perfect encapsulation of a moment. you can't really plan moments like these, they just happen.

there were times when we didn't gather for weeks/months, as we tended to only hang out if everyone would be there. a voltron-esque quality resonated with our hangings out. without everyone it wasn't quite the same. of course, of the things we did end up doing -- many of them animal themed (dvds, sea world, animal game, etc) -- almost all of the time it was a blast. to be quite honest, we could probably count on two or three hands the number of times we've all hung out, which is in direct contrast to how most of my friendships are. usually i see people very often, never not enough.

so time grew short and here we are. the family is splitting up. grad school, potential librarian school, san francisco, a roommate swap. anyway, long story short, there's nothing like family right?

thanks beauts.