Monday, February 23, 2004

flute lips. i've lived for so long with the idea that i was one of the few young males subjected to the effeminate instrument known as the flute. but then someone searched for flute lips and there i was, only number fourteen. below is the story of a young boy, johnny, who also has flute lips. i read his story and i weep for my the death of my unique flute lips. and apparently, my lips aren't even flute lips since johnny's lips and mine seem to be drastically different in shape and size. me and johnny need to have a flute off apparently to determine who has the real flute lips.

"at southwest junior high school, one of the two junior high schools in the hot springs city school district, every seventh grader had to take a sport, play inner murals, or play in the band. johnny was not an athletically coordinated person, which was fine with him because he really didn't care for sports. so he enrolled in the band class. johnny had no idea how to play a band instrument, but neither did ninety-nine percent of the rest of the class. the first few days were spent trying to figure out who would play what instrument. the band director took one look at johnny and said, "you have flute lips." so he played the flute. i never really knew what flute lips looked like, but after i heard this story, i could agree. johnny had small, thin lips and a wide smile. his lips seemed almost delicate, and i could imagine that any flute player would love to have them.

aunt annie said that johnny could really play the flute well when he tried. he didn't practice very much, but he did go to band camp for two years and was considered a good player. she said that he was never the best, but he was never the worst player, either. johnny probably could have been an excellent flute player if he would have been more interested in it, but since he was forced into the class, it was never his own motivation that brought him to play the flute."

-johnny's flute lips-