I am hoping to take the next couple of days as an interlude between playing. I'm trying to unpack my boxes from New York, re-pack for England and China, and to take care of my responsibilities before i resume playing again. All this is ideally going to happen before Friday night but i'm not so sure it will. I hate how i always kind of try to cram everything into a tail end of a trip and then i end up not getting to spend enough time with anyone and am always left with the feeling that i ditched them or was irresponsible to them. I always assume that i have so much time leftover but i stop now and think about it and i'm once again at the saturation point of things to do and i don't want to just cram people and things into a few days.
Well, that's something to work on i suppose. Anyway, i got a chance to catch up with Mary tonight as we went out with Adam and Jimma to get coffee at the Living Room. I'm always a little surprised at the number of Asians swarming around California because i think for so long i've been used to being in Michigan and New York, where Asians don't represent the majority unless you're at an Asian spot and you expect to see mostly Asians. It does make me glad to have experienced that "Asians are a minority" feeling but at the same time it makes me a little wary because i think i'm getting a little too accustomed and comfortable to gearing my attention towards whatever Asians happen to be in the vincinity. It's so easy in California to be amongst Asians everywhere that i find myself often slightly uncomfortable at bars or something where the majority of people aren't Asian.
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