I believe the decision has come down to Michigan. There are valid points for staying or for going but in the end, i think Michigan is where i would rather be. All this is contingent of course on my advisor giving the go ahead (i'm calling him tomorrow). I was swinging all day but as i was walking to class, it dawned on me how much happier i would be walking to class along the streets of Ann Arbor as opposed to New York. I can't really say that this is the final decision because i am still hesitant and a little afraid of making a mistake but given the time crunch here, i'm gonna have to take my chances that my gut is right.
This is how i make all my major decisions, i wait and wait until i can catch the moment when i know that this is the "right" decision. It's like when you flip a coin to decide between choice A and choice B. Confronted with two choices, you never know what you really want until you actually flip and then see the "A" decision sitting there. In your gut, you immediately know which was the one you really wanted.
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