Monday, October 23, 2006

the science of sleep. if you had to choose between never getting sick and requiring only the minimum amount of sleep, which would it be? i think i'm pretty much immune to most kinds of sickness but i require an unusual amount of sleep, or maybe i've become acclimated to an unusual amount. either way, i sleep a lot. which is a bit of a problem since i now start work at seven in the morning monday through wednesday. and i can't be late.

i have friends who can operate functionally and fully after only four hours of sleep a night. it's an ability i wish i had; especially when i'm finally beginning to realize that time is precious and a three hour nap can quickly translate into a wasted day. on the other hand, being sick all the time -- even if it's allergies or the common cold -- is not fun either. due to me hardly ever getting sick, whenever i do, i immediately reach for relief. i bitch, moan, and complain about even the simplest illnesses and need drugs to make me feel better right away. so really, i'm resistant to disease but in exchange, i'm lazy and a big sissy.