Thursday, March 18, 2004

look at this stuff, isn't it neat? wouldn't you say.....don't make me sing it. mark cuban, owner of the dallas mavericks, has a blog. and not only is it a blog, he says that he "rather than providing any commentary or quotes to (reporters) on this matter, or on any upcoming matters, i (will) be posting whatever i (have) to say on my blog." how cool is that? mark cuban is a billionaire and ahead of the technological curve in many ways. and here he is endorsing blogs! his blog is part of a blog network that "is dedicated to creating trade weblogs (aka “blogs”) across niche industries in which user participation is an essential component of the resulting product." i think they are just starting to get off the ground but they have some cool official and unofficial blog sites. one of which, apple, is very very informative. i was hoping to purchase an ipod in the near future but due to information gleaned from this site, i'm probably gonna hold out for an ipod version four point oh, which will be released later this year. an apple is making a spoken interface. yeah, get geeked.

i am in the elite percentage of humans who blog regularly. i knew i was special. go me.

the nba has a "blog squad" composed of analysts, commentators and former players. it's awesome. and my new favorite blog is margaret cho's. she's a comedian of course, but she's so much more than that. she's quite the writer and her commentary on life and the world is outright hilarious. plus she's a huge fan of hip hop. who knew?

this article on the religious right can't be passed up. neither can this one, comparing elves and dwarves and ninjas and pirates, it's got geek written all over it. and this one about moral nihilism is interesting. and for more entertainment, have a free comic strip sent to your inbox daily. i would personally take calvin and hobbes, especially since people have taken the time to break the whole thing down. i've also been faithfully following the capitalistic adventures of julian dibbell, who is trying to make a living by participating in the virtual economy of a video game. intense.

i've been recently thinking that i must get a flash memory usb drive. one for my pocket. maybe two since they are so cheap now. think about how cool it would be to go to people's houses (not that i go to other people's houses) and just plug in and upload/download pictures and music. with a 64MB flash memory card i could bring twenty songs with me to share with others. it's easier and more exciting than burning CDs. i'm gonna go buy one this weekend. maybe i'll pick up the swiss army knife with the built in usb flash memory. yup, then i would be cool.

while reading a magazine the other day, i was fooled by an ad that had a giant picture of a gold watch with no face except a gigantic diamond. the ad copy said this: "goldex. look ma, no hands. the 154-carat goldex. for the gentleman too wealthy to give a crap what time it is. to be the king of bling, ring 212-555-6179." stupid me was actually thinking "this product is ridiculous! who would buy this? how much does it cost?" then i clicked on the link and felt stupid.

and speaking of stupid. bill gates is an advocate of a one cent stamp for sending emails. supposedly used to curtail spammers, this tax would make us pay for each email we send. assuming i send one hundred emails a week -- long, short, forwards, one liners, mass, crap, pseudo aiming -- that would be fifty bucks a year for something that should be free. email is like air man, i need it to survive and i don't feel like i should have to pay for it. do you agree?

lastly, this lady gets paid to go to celebrity parties, pick up gossip and then blog. what the heck? then again, i sort of get paid to blog. but it's not the same and you and i both know it.