flair. i think a sign of the personal apocalypse for me will be when i decide to replace my fake cubic zirconia earrings with real diamonds that cost hundreds, possibly thousands, of dollars. on one hand such a purchase would signal that i "made it." but on the other hand, it would mean that i care too much about what goes into my ears (right now just lots of gossip and droning crap). i hope that even when i become a multi-millionaire pop icon, i will still shop at claire's and mall vendors for my ear jewelry. there are many improbable and disgusting things just said in that last sentence. some of them are life goals and some of which are actual current life realities. you figure out which is which.
but if diamond earrings were given to me, i might have to wear them out of respect for the giver. i would wear them not because i'd want to have diamond earrings but just because they were a gift. this rule of thumb does not apply to ugly gifts that are potentially wearable but not really fashion forward. like peta-approved beanie baby neck wraps. i cannot commit to wearing all gifts upon my body, it's just too dangerous.
i do expect everyone to wear dave's son buttons though. regardless of how well it does or does not go with your outfit. as if dave's son buttons wouldn't go with your outfit in the first place. please. martha is going to jail for bad taste, do you really want to join her?
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