How would you feel if I had to tell you something about yourself. Something that nobody else would bother to tell you. Something that would most likely hurt, and may make you mad at me? And possibly hurt our friendship?
posted by Tin Man
I think you should do it. I mean, we're friends right? Isn't that what good friends do? Tell each other the things that nobody else will? If you don't do it, who will?
posted by The Wizard
So you won't mind if I pull no punches? And just come straight out, with no tact, and tell you all the terrible things I've noticed about you?
posted by Tin Man
Not at all. In fact, I welcome it. Don't sugar coat anything. I have thick skin, I can take it. As long as it's done constructively, criticism is good. I mean, I'm sure you're not attacking me for personal satisfaction, so I know what you're going to say is only because you want me to be a better person. So I'll even thank you beforehand. "Thank you."
posted by The Wizard
Ok. Here goes.......ah fuck. Can't do it. It'll hurt too much. Maybe I'll just talk to you about it. I can't do it here like this. Online and anonymously. I need to skewer you in person. So I can see if you're really hurt or not.
posted by Tin Man
Spit it out man. I'm anxious.
posted by The Wizard
Forget it. I'll tell you later.
posted by Tin Man
Fine. Be that way. I'll just assume I'm perfect then. Until you prove otherwise.
posted by The Wizard
Isn't that what you do anyways?
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