Thursday, August 22, 2002

can you miss someone if you're not actually used to having them around in a physical sense? when you can count up all the days you've ever actually hung out with them on ten fingers and ten toes? what is it that you're missing if you aren't responding to a physical presence? the voice? the phone call? the email? the sense of security? what is it? or is it all a foolish emotion that we attribute to people, because we "think about them" and so "miss them." how important indeed is the physical aspect in a friendship? do you not know a person because you interact with them so infrequently? maybe all that talking, writing, whatever, can only amount to so much closeness. one two hour face-to-face talk can generate more insta-karma than three months of daily phone calls and emails. at the end of the day, when someone like this says "i miss you," what does it mean?

also, is it being whooped and a bitch when you apologize after you've resisted and ignored a potential whooping situation? or is the mere fact that you're apologizing enough to make you weak spined and pathetic? oh the thin line between whoopage and non-whoopage. what the hell is the opposite of whoopage anyway?